发表的学术论文 1. Jiang Z., Yu C., Guan S., Wang J., Han G. The influence of fiber length distribution on yarn properties based on fiber random arrangement in the yarn[J]. Journal of Natural Fibers. (Published online) 2. Jiang Z., Yu C., Yang J., Han G., Xing M. Estimation of yarn strength based on critical slipping length and fiber length distribution[J]. Textile Research Journal, 2019, 89(2): 182-194. 3. Jiang Z., Kuang X., Yang J., Yu C. Simulation on fiber random arrangement in the yarn part II: joint effect of fiber length and fineness distribution[J]. Journal of the Textile Institute, 2017, 108(3): 347-352. 4. Jiang Z., Hu Y., Kuang X., Yu C., Yang J.. Simulation on fiber random arrangement in the yarn[J]. Journal of the Textile Institute, 2014, 105(12): 1312-1318. 5. Jiang Z., Yang J., Yu C. Simulation on yarn strength based on fiber random arrangement in the yarn[J]. Journal of the Textile Institute, 2014, 105(2): 209-213. 6. 姜展, 孙娜, 杨建平, 郁崇文. 基于临界滑脱长度的短纤纱断裂强力计算[J]. 纺织学报, 2017, 38(2): 60-67. 7. Sun N., Jiang Z., Yu C. Modeling roller drafting based on fiber arrangement in the sliver[J]. Journal of the Textile Institute, 2018, 109(11): 1477-1481. 8. Kuang X., Yan G., Jiang Z., Yang J., Yu C. A new mathematical expression of yarn limit unevenness. Fibers and Polymers, 2013, 14(11): 1943-1946. 获得的奖励: 2019.12 评为第十届全国老员工纱线设计大赛优秀指导教师,指导员工作品获得特等奖1项,二等奖3项。教育部高等学校纺织类专业教学指导委员会,中国纺织服装教育学会 2018.11 评为第九届全国老员工纱线设计大赛优秀指导教师,指导员工作品获得特等奖1项。教育部高等学校纺织类专业教学指导委员会,中国纺织服装教育学会 2017.01 获得第五届“东纺明珠”优秀论文奖二等奖。上海纺织工程学会 2016.10 获得第17届陈维稷优秀论文奖。中国纺织工程学会 2013.10 获得第14届陈维稷优秀论文奖。中国纺织工程学会 |