科研成果: 1. Qi Shi, Chunming Zhang*.Designing a superhydrophobic cotton fiber coating exploiting TiO2@g-C3N4 layered structure for augmented photocatalysis and efficient water-oil separation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024. 2. Yaxi Tan, Chunming Zhang*. Fabrication of a superhydrophobic cotton fabric with efficient antibacterial properties and asymmetric wettability via synergistic effect of quaternized chitosan/TiO2/Ag. Industrial Crops & Products, 2024. 3.Keqin Liu, Chunming Zhang*. Hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose controls the diffusion behavior of pico-liter scale ink droplets on silk to improve inkjet printing performance. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023. 4.Jilin Zhu, Chunming Zhang*. Preparation of superhydrophobic, antibacterial and photocatalytic cotton by the synergistic effect of dual nanoparticles of rGO-TiO2/QAS-SiO2. Industrial Crops & Products, 2022. 5.Liyuan Sun, Chunming Zhang*. Fabrication of a novel superhydrophobic cotton by HDTMS with TiO2 supported activated carbon nanocomposites for photocatalysis and oil/water separation, Industrial Crops & Products, 2022. 6.Xu, Yi, Chunming Zhang*. Enhanced reactive dye inkjet printing performance of antimicrobial silk fabrics surface modified with plasma and chitosan, Fibers and Polymers,2022. 7.Yaru Zhao, Chunming Zhang*. Fabrication of a wearable directional moisture-transfer cotton by clean technology of wet plasma, without fluoride consumption. Industrial Crops & Products, 2021. 8.Zhaoli Wu, Chunming Zhang*. Durable superhydrophobic and photocatalytic cotton modified by PDMS with TiO2 supported bamboo charcoal nanocomposites. Industrial Crops & Products, 2021. 9.Fangshu Guo, Chunming Zhang*. Optimizing a fabricating program for wearable super-hydrophobic cotton by clean production technology of plasma and reducing chemical consumption. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020. 10.Chunming Zhang. Study on the physical-morphological and chemical properties of silk fabric surface modified with multiple ambient gas plasma for inkjet printing. Applied Surface Science, 2019. 11.Chunming Zhang. Surface processing and ageing behavior of silk fabrics treated with atmospheric-pressure plasma for pigment-based ink-jet printing. Applied Surface Science, 2018. 12.Chunming Zhang. Surface modification of polyester fabrics by atmospheric-pressure air/He plasma for color strength and adhesion enhancement. Applied Surface Science, 2017. 13. 李树霞,张春明*.明代四合如意云纹形制演变分析.丝绸,2022. 14. 李树霞,张春明*.基于形状文法的明代璎珞纹样再生设计与应用.毛纺科技,2022. 15. 张春明,赵亚如.基于清洁技术的单向导湿防污织物的制备方法,发明专利,ZL202110598197.3
教研成果: 1. 张春明 编著. 《服装市场营销》,中国纺织出版社,2024. 2. 张春明. 纺织类专业本研共建拔尖创新人才培养体系建设与实践. 纺织服装教育,2024. 3. 张春明. 基于“专德创融合”理念的“服装国际贸易”课程教学改革. 纺织服装教育,2022. 4. 张春明. 服装表演专业的课程思政教学设计探索与实践. 纺织服装教育,2022. 5. 张春明. 服装设计与工程专业课程思政教学探索与实践. 纺织服装教育,2020. 6. 张春明. 寓教于研,本研共建——纺织类专业拔尖创新人才培养体系建设与实践,中国纺织工业联合会高等公司产品成果一等奖,2023. 7. 张春明. 基于“专德创融合”理念的纺织类专业“12345”课程思政教学体系建设与实践,中国纺织工业联合会高等公司产品成果一等奖,2021. 8. 张春明. 基于OBE理念的《服装国际贸易》“主题式”能力驱动型教学研究实践与成效,雷竞技RAYBET最新版本科教学成果一等奖,2020.
创新创业指导: 1.“侠之义”,米兰设计周中国高校设计学科师生优秀作品展全国决赛,一等奖,2023. 2.“基于形状文法的明代璎珞纹样再生设计与应用”,米兰设计周中国高校设计学科师生优秀作品展全国决赛,二等奖,2023. 3.“锦绣纹饰—基于形状文法的明代纹样再生设计与应用”,米兰设计周中国高校设计学科师生优秀作品展山东赛区,二等奖,2023. 4. “文化传播视角下明清氅衣与日本羽织的形制与内涵比较”,米兰设计周中国高校设计学科师生优秀作品展山东赛区,二等奖,2024. 5. “清平调”,米兰设计周中国高校设计学科师生优秀作品展山东赛区,二等奖,2024. 6.“原创国潮服装工作室的创建运营与传统文化推广”,山东省老员工科技创新大赛,三等奖,2021. 7.“无衣”工作室,全国老员工电子商务“创新、创意及创业”挑战赛山东赛区,特等奖,2020. 8.“最可爱的人”,中国纺织工业联合会军服文化创意设计大赛,银奖,2020.